How Many Years Is Laser Epilation Effective?

How Many Years Is Laser Epilation Effective?

Within the scope of the question of how long laser epilation is effective, you can benefit from the conveniences provided by laser epilation for a very long time. Laser epilation, which is one of the applications frequently preferred by women recently, involves the procedure of destroying hair follicles. Destroyed hairs will not grow again or very little will grow after regular sessions. The effect of laser epilation, which offers extremely long-term use, may vary from person to person.

How Many Years Does the Effect of Laser Last?

The answers to the questions "How many years does the effect of laser epilation last?", "How long does laser epilation last?" are especially wondered by women who have unwanted hair problems. The application using laser epilation devices is generally effective for a long time, almost lifelong. But among the important issues that determine the permanence of the application is what type of device is used. Quality equipment and applications performed by experienced people enable the person to effectively combat unwanted hair.

Is Laser Epilation Permanent?

Within the scope of the question of how long laser epilation is effective, it is possible to state that there are various issues that affect the permanence of the application. These issues can be listed in general terms as follows:

  • Treatment Area: It is very important in which areas laser epilation is performed. The characteristics of hair growing in different parts of the body, especially in the armpit, legs and arms, may differ from each other.
  • Person's Skin Type: A person's skin type is among the factors that directly affect the success of the application. Laser epilation is more effective on dark skin.
  • Feather Growth Cycle: Hair growth cycles in different parts of the body are different from each other. The active growth phase of hair is the period when laser epilation is most effective.
  • Application Technology: It is possible to state that application technology is also an important factor within the scope of the question of how long laser epilation is effective. An innovative and technological device can prevent unwanted hair from growing back.
  • Suitability for Treatment: It is possible that some skin types are not suitable for laser epilation. For this reason, within the question of how long laser epilation is effective, the person's not being suitable for treatment causes unwanted hair to grow back after the application.

Although the permanence of laser epilation varies depending on many factors, today the application is frequently preferred by men and women.


Hemen Ara